Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A New Smile

In my post yesterday, I shared about my daughter having a wiggly tooth. It has been ever so slightly wiggly for about 9 months now. I mean, ever so slightly. Well, after eating a freeze pop at her summer camp, yesterday, it fell out with a little help. Honestly, I thought we would have at least a couple of days before it came out. I guess Sunday's ice pop incident had it barely hanging on and she couldn't eat her normal cereal yesterday morning.
So after picking up the kids in the afternoon and Josh's swim lesson, I snapped a few photos of Leah's new smile, messy hair and all. Some of her smiles are cheesy and some are not. It's hard to get a natural smile and still capture the missing tooth.

I know this photo chops off Joshua in the background, but I do love her precious smile.

And of course, I have to share some pics of Josh, post swimming lesson and dum dum lollipop. He is pointing at the football he threw between the porch and bushes.
Yes, he desperately needs a hair cut. I am aware. He has had at least 7 hair cuts and he is only 22 months old. It is hard to keep up with it. Don't fret, we will get it cut soon.
Stay tuned to the blog. Tomorrow I will be sharing a card for DeNami's Pin-spired post.



  1. Your kiddies are so cute Deb!
    Sometimes I wish I could turn back the time

  2. beautiful kids. great pictures.

  3. Oh how precious! Her new smile is beautiful! My daughter just recently lost the same tooth and we did a little photo session too. She also has been up every night for the past two months and I didn't realize that her 6 year molars were coming in. I hope your daughter's teething is less eventful! Have a great day!

  4. Deb she finally lost it. Congratulations Leah, she looks much older now. She so looks like you. Josh's hair is adorable, I miss the days of blue stained mouths. My son is attempting to grow a goatee, but his hair is still so fine. He is ready to look like a man. LOL

  5. Oooh look at those poses she's giving you Deb...too cute!! And I love Josh's wispy baby boy hair, so sweet ;)

  6. Oh, that is so sweet, Deb! She is a doll. I'm glad you got pictures of the new smile. The new teeth grow in so fast. Your son is adorable!

  7. Deb, these pictures are just too cute for words! Both of your kids are so photogenic and just plain adorable! Wish I could give them hugs!

  8. Oh goodness Deb. They are both so adorable! Love the missing tooth...before you know it the front ones will be missing too!

  9. look at her pose like a superstar :) yeah toothfairy is coming!

  10. Well, I love that smile AND those dimples! Seriously, it wasn't very wiggly when we saw you over the weekend....man, it just popped right out! Well, she has to keep up with her cousin, doesn't she? Can't wait to see you guys again in just a few days! Yay!

  11. So cute, Deb! Your little sweetheart knows how to pose and I love Josh's blue smile! For some reason my twin grandsons refused to smile when they started losing teeth, so it is fun to see Leah rockin' this momentous occasion, especially after waiting all those months!!


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